snapped by a curious mind

By iphigenie

Waiting for apples

The temptation of popularity

As I suspected, my semi abstract blip from yesterday totally went under the radar. I like it, though, how everything had a rose tint and how you can see the girl on the right reading the menu looking so mysterious, and you can guess other diners - and see the silhouettes of my group in the mirror on the back wall. I guess you had to be there.

So I went to the backgarden to take some photos of insects pollinating the apple and pear trees there. All I could find were some small dark bee-like insects, but still, it would make a popular blip to get me back on the up. After all I get a blast to have people have a look at my photos, even more if they leave a nice comment and even better with those few blippers I seem to have bits of conversation with. It's addictive, you all must admit. So the temptation is to play a bit to what the "blipsphere" finds popular...

You can see the ones I might have posted here, here and here

Resisting the temptation

As you can tell I resisted the easy route and chose this one instead.

Why? Well first because it is more original, and I really like the detail and colors in it. Also it revisits a specific bunch of flowers which I blipped in the bud and almost in bloom, and with flowers open.

It might be the image of wilted flowers, gone. It is also the promise of apples, I just hope they ripen in time for me to enjoy them before I leave this house.

So it is an image of hope for the future, which I need more of.

PS: larger version here click on the image to open it

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