
By mooman

One Zero Zero

Well im here at last its been rather quick to be honest 100 just seems to come so fast. for those that follow me regularly i have always planned on having a bit of a summery to the last 50 days(a link at the end of this post) so shall i begin!

After my last 50 mark i started off with a good few shots i liked. one thing i noticed with my first 50 days was the amount of flower shots i posted i really wanted to change this so i moved on to try to vary things but failed having Ellie(my dog) taking a large amount of my blips. around 2 weeks after my 50 mark we got some bad news regarding Ellie. we discovered her mouth was badly infected and she had a fluid build up in her lungs later after this all cleared we discovered she has a heart murmor however now she has heart pills and is as fit as a pup! Laura and i also took a trip to Cairngorm mountain during are holidays it was just a day trip but the views were fantastic. next my most popular post to date(thanks to all for visiting) its a blip card i got from Lauras brother who works at blip. next and most important the biggest thing to happen in the last 50 days and possibly this year thus far, the arrival of my neice and that pretty much brings us to just now.

I do wish that i had more luck with the astrophotography its extremely hard to do so British weather does not help me as i have really struggled with getting a clear sky. i also need a ccd camera however other things take priority.

I hope you have enjoyed this read and now to the good stuff the reason you have clicked on my blip i hope the picture above. I hope it is liked by all it took me a while to get it right however i loved the outcome. if those of you out there have the time to look carfully you will see that there is 100 red balloons which i felt was very appropriate for this fantastic website.

As a last note i want to thanks all off those who subcribe to myself and those who leave comments on my blip it really means alot and its nice to see what people think of my shots. now what does one do with 100 balloons this could be alot of fun!


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