
By Barking


A late start this morning, then we saddled the boys up and took them for a mountain bike ride. Ronnie's never been out for a ride before, so he was a little exhausted pretty early on. Cousteau tried to show him how to stay away from the bikes but Canterbury had to give him a bit of gentle guidance with his foot to stop Ronnie from jumping up at him while riding. We took a short pootle to the pond, had the boys swim around to cool off and then came home.

Ronnie's people came and picked him up - muddy, tired and happy. (Him, not them). Cousteau got a wash (as, I suspect, did Ronnie).

We popped out for lunch - cooked brekkie for Canterbury and a chicken sandwich for me. Yum.

We sold our old bed on an online auction site and they came to pick it up today. One less thing cluttering up the house.

Then some mates, D & M, popped in for a coffee and I've made some ciabatta.

Canterbury is packing for his trip to Oz. So much to do and so little time to do it in. He's off for work for the next 2-3 weeks. He leaves at 4.30 tomorrow morning. An early night tonight, I think. Cousteau and I are home alone.

It's been a good weekend, back to the madness tomorrow.

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