Pob's World

By Pobsworld

Symmetry part II

Well guess what day it is today?!

To carry on my theme of symmetry, today is also the first anniversary of me joining the wonderful world of Blipfoto.

It's funny to think that Blip's only been in my life for a year, it's become such a way of life, packing my camera into my bag each day is now as important as remembering my housekeys and purse. Looking at the world to see what is and isn't Blippable comes instinctively and it means I've noticed a whole load of things that would pass me by otherwise.

Huge thanks as always to Joe & those at Blipcentral for designing such an amazing concept and for continually finding new ways to keep the site fresh and attractive. One of the most amazing things about Blipfoto is the very fact that Joe & his hardworking team are not anonymous programmers & designers, they're people with faces (albeit mainly hidden in the case of Joe!) and names and I think this is a huge part of why Blipfoto has such an enthusiastic, talented, clever & very entertaining community. The love & care put into this site is appreciated by all of us and it makes us all take pride in contributing to it. I definitely am proud to be a Blipper!

Anyway - enough mushy platitudes from me...
I have a red balloon - yippee!!!

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