a pinhole sky explodes out

By blazar


Sometimes I'm not really a fan of this whole "in-between" period. Some call it "summer break", I'm more likely to call it "wasting time". As I just got back from Germany on Sunday, I'm probably not going to find a job before I move into my apartment at school on August 16..

I kind of like that I don't have much to do, but I wish I were learning or doing an internship or something like that. Oh well. I've just started a self-imposed workout schedule: Run MWF, pushups and situps TR. I'm hoping to get back up to my high-school-senior-year-track-captain-healthiness, but we'll see what happens. Up at school I'll have racquetball class in the morning on MWF, so I'll be able to force myself to get up an hour or so early to get a morning jog in.

Here you can see my cat Olive lying out in the shade on the driveway.

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