a pinhole sky explodes out

By blazar


I should really get a macro lens. I miss closeup photography.

In any case, I've become really interested in what my fingers have been going through over the past few days. The black spot there on my index finger is a pretty big blood blister that I got from pinching it with a pair of needle-nose pliers. My ring finger didn't fare quite so well - the skin there actually got ripped off. But since Friday I've been observing the changes and developments in the healing process, and I'm pretty intrigued.

It's weird, I don't get hurt as often as I used to when I spent my summers running around and riding my bike and stuff. At least not injuries like flesh wounds. Back then I sort of just did my best to shrug the injuries off and continue with whatever, and not pay them much attention. Now I wish I'd tried harder in math class, because I'm actually a very big fan of human biology/physiology/anatomy. There was a period in my life where I considered studying biomedical engineering...

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