a pinhole sky explodes out

By blazar

ear spider

so yesterday I went swimming in my friend Ross's pool, as you can see from yesterday's blip. After I got out of the pool, I felt something going on in/around my aural cavity... which I first just dismissed as water getting in there. I said to my brother that it kinda felt like something crawled in.

After a while, though, I started wondering why it didn't really feel like there was water in there. It was more scratchy than water normally feels when it gets in my ear. I decided there must be some other explanation.

Ross, Chris and I talked about how there was a story where some woman had a spider who made a nest in her ear, and another story where there were two spiders living in some kid's ear. Haha, we thought.

So at around 1:30 am, about 5 hours after we got out of the pool, I did one last test to make sure it wasn't water (put more water in my ear and waved my head around to see if that got it loose) and moved on to hydrogen peroxide.

Ross got me a q-tip and a bottle of the stuff and I dipped it in and put it in my ear. Nothing really happened at first, so I figured it must really be some stubborn water.

Then a few minutes later I was sort of wiping my finger around my ear, and something small and black fell out onto my shirt. As it turns out, there actually was a spider in my ear.

Luckily it was really small and didn't take up residence for longer. It was alive when it came out and it crawled around on my shirt for a while, before I got this piece of plastic and deposited him on it.

All in all, a very strange experience.

oh, and also, today I found out that I've been overcompensating for my washed-out laptop LCD by upping the contrast and saturation too much on all of my blips. I got a nice 19" LCD monitor and arrayed it with the laptop screen, so from now on my blips should look a little more reasonable.

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