Random or Not

By RandomPatterned


A roller coaster of a week. School started, which is exciting and scary. I have 2 studio classes, one of which is a bit intimidating, 1 academic class, an internship, and a thesis project - gulp. My internship will be a great learning opportunity. My young boss (I could be his mom) is awesomely talented, enthusiastic and upbeat.

The big downer is I found out my faithful companion has a terminal illness. After much thought, family discussion, and tears I have decided not to put him through a difficult and risky surgery followed by chemo which merely buys some time for us. I want the rest of his life to be spent as normally as possible. He is currently almost completely asymptomatic but will start taking some anti-infammatory drugs. Meanwhile, I have a couple of other alternatives to check out. I will also keep spoiling him, not that it is possible to spoil him any more than he already is.

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