this luminous life.

By Laura

Phone Cord Tangle.


For the longest time, the room phone in my room was silent. I only ever used my cell phone for calls, and that was usually when I'm out of my room. There is no cell phone reception in my room, however, thanks to being on the basement level. So lately, THIS phone in my room has rung almost everyday for the past three months or so---so I don't have to go outside everytime I want to talk, or pay phone fees. And I am always excited because the person on the other end is amazing. I love these phone calls.

This is the first time on blip I have played with colors. I don't think I will do it again. I was just bored and procrastinating this exam I have to do.

Oh, and today was interesting. In class, at the request of my professor, I attempted to do a backwards somersault into a handstand. After several tries, I succeeded (with a little bit of help--I'm not a gymnast). I was pretty proud of myself. When the professor called on another girl to attempt the same thing, she tried.... and managed to pull her arm out of her shoulder socket, and then it went back in at a horrible angle. So lo and behold, she ends up on the floor with a dislocated shoulder.... 911 is called... and we are dismissed out of class early.

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