a pinhole sky explodes out

By blazar

kind of rainbow

9-1 tonight, but girls lean, so I'm going to say undefeated. Whatever.

First day of classes went well.. turns out that it doesn't matter that my university is made up of 40,000 undergraduates, because I know at least one person in each of my three classes from today. And it's not just because we're the same major.. one girl I know is in my racquetball class, one guy in my international studies class, and two guys in my international economics class. Also I saw like 8 people between classes whom I know.

It's nice to be back, though. Definitely.

Tomorrow is my big day of classes... journalistic writing, marketing, speech and a night course on management.. we'll see how it goes. If there are people I know in every class I'll be amazed.

that is all.

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