a pinhole sky explodes out

By blazar

rugby sunset

My MGMT 100W class got out really early this evening (my first and hopefully only night class) so I decided to just walk around campus for a while instead of heading straight home. I read the New York Times for a bit and then walked over to Old Main Lawn, hoping that I'd get a nice sunset picture with Old Main silhouetted or something. When I realized that the sunset was kind of too far to the left of Old Main, I started walking down College Ave towards home. When I reached the corner of Atherton and College, I saw one of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen. I got really excited and started jogging up towards the IST building (which looked really awkward with my camera in hand and my camera bag flopping around, and drew jeers from some jocks in a jeep cherokee) and made it over the hill to see the rugby fields illuminated with stadium lights.

Then it all came together for this shot.

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