Pressure & Time

By Curlyfries


No blips for a while, sorry.

TWO hockey games yesterday and was wrecked then up nice and early to help R,A and S get away for their cycle.

I was picked up at 8:30 and we headed down to Glentress. Was an awesome day and the hire bike was awesome too :D:D

Had a fall on the log ladders in the freeride park and have the bruises to prove it. was more careful for the rest of the day but still enjoyed it :D:D

IT IS recommended and the best bit has to be "Spooky Woods" descent. Red trails all day which was good, the techy bits were not so good but the flowing stuff was awesome.

And remember ALWAYS wear a helmet i have had my life saved twice by them, i'll stick by them!! And so will MILLS after his big crash hope he gets better soon :S:S



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