a pinhole sky explodes out

By blazar


what's mine? I have no idea.

Tonight has been one of the most stressful for me in recent memory. In addition to having to write a 10-minute speech about John McCain's immigration policy for tomorrow at 2:30 and having to study for a management exam, I just realized that I really need to get my life in order..

So I blipped about the TAP, but I met a few professors in the German department today and they brought up the internXchange journalism program through the DAAD... which looks extremely amazing and would definitely have me in Berlin again. The problem is, I don't find out about whether or not I'm accepted until after I'd already have to have paid $3000 in program fees for TAP.. I'd make most of it back from the DAAD stipend if I decided to drop TAP, but is it really worth the money???? Truth be told, I'd probably pay the $3000 premium for internXchange anyway.. so maybe it's not much of a problem.. but I'm getting pretty stressed out that life is actually starting to seem real and the decisions I make now will have a real effect on my career and life over the next 10 years...

whew. one more day and then I can breathe.

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