
By Shin

Christmas Tree

I said we wouldn't get much Christmassy things in the house till after the kids finish school, which is this wednesday. But then I realised, there wouldn't be much time left for a christmas tree, which is usually done with their father. I always like reading when people say they got to get the Christmas ornaments they were allowed to chose yearly, with them when they leave the parental house. Also how much fun it is to look at each ornament, to remember when and where it was bought. I have let the children chose ornaments now and then, but not really on a yearly basis. This year I thought I'd make it a yearly thing. These are the ones they chose (the bird is my choice).

two backblips

p.s. I had a different picture up earlier, but I thought this one is nicer to remember. Sorry for the deletion, which also deleted your comment Orchid. Yes you are right, my hubbie looks very serious. I couldn't find another picture and the kids were jumping next to me, wanting to start to make the video like last year

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