Happy Daze

By Dazed


...j'aime la cuisine! And that's enough schoolgirl French.

I've given away quite a few cookbooks to deserving friends recently so I thought it was about time that I brought another one home. It's LOVELY and BIG and FAT and probably full of things that will make me fat(ter) but hey, if it's home cooked and the ingredients are top notch then who cares.

Mr D even likes it so I didn't get in trouble for bringing another ginormous book home and he even reckons he will cook something from it, yippee!

Hooray, it's Humpday again, all downhill to Friday from here. Thank crivvens, who knew a week could last so long?!

P.S. Apologies for any incorrect French, no French people were harmed in the making of this blip :)

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