snapped by a curious mind

By iphigenie

Herbal Tea Experiment

Last year I got it into my head to create some herbal tea mixes for my mother. It seemed like a good idea, I could do some mixes supposedly for her various ailments, and she would love the idea that I had created those for her. After all, how hard could it be ? get plants traditionally known for certain things, mix them together until you have a pleasant taste, and voila!

As is my (*sigh*) habit I didn?t start small - I ordered 36 little plastic jars, and dozens of different herbs ? made myself a cool looking herb wall against one wall in the kitchen, and started playing and tasting. And I found out it is a lot trickier than I would have thought to come with a pleasant taste. Needless to say my mother never got her tea mixes, I found other gift ideas, and have not used these herbs very much (apart from some very classic ones).

Although this autumn when we both had the nasty-chest-virus-that-lasts-weeks, I made several cold-and-cough mixes which I have the illusion might have helped, at the very least it helped us drink enough hot water.

So I got it into my head to try to create a mix as a christmas gift, something light and slightly mood enhancing. I haven't gotten the taste right yet

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