electric glass

By electricglass

Destroy Beauty

Woke up in a funk today. A little frustrated from several events in my life and things not going as I planned them to. But I know I shouldn't rely on my plans as life changes. But there is only one goal I want to accomplish in the next 6 months. And life seems to be trying to stop me. I guess that means I'm going in the right direction and I really need to work harder to get there.

Anyways I was in a funk earlier. I had one thought in my head. One from one of my favorite books/movies, 'Fight Club'. The line "I want to destroy something beautiful" is playing on repeat in my mind.

I don't physically want to destroy something (that much). Maybe just photograph something beautiful that has been destroyed.

I stepped out the back door and found this lovely chest. At one time it was gorgeous. Then it moved from house to house. Got beat time and time again. Once it's usefulness was gone it was left upon the door of a thrift store late at night. My housemate found it and thought up a new use for it. As a large flowering pot.

Sadly it really couldn't stand the soil, plants and water it was asked to hold.

I'm sure this will be the last time the chest will help humanity.

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