autumn joy

By autumnjoy


i did feel proud to be an american today. i thought obama's speech was good. but i was more impressed by the woman who presented everyone. her speech was profound and moving. she talked of how the transition of power in america was one of peace and not war. this is beautiful. we vote in and really choose our leader. i still think america hopes and trusts in the wrong things. i think america has a poor conception of what freedom really is. i think we get a lot of things wrong. but we do, we do have a transition of peace. how wonderful.

and, i am glad to be alive to see an african american president. i really am. it is amazing.

so tonight was cause for celebration. and celebrate we did. it was also full of good conversation that made me feel ridiculously loved and cared for. there are so many good people in my life. i am so blessed.

i am happy. i am content. i shall rest well.

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