A time for everything

By turnx3

Rowe Woods

I skipped church this morning, as I'd had a pretty bad night, so I had a bit of a lie in and then did some reading until Roger came home. One thing about the weather around here is its very changeable. Earlier in the week we had a snow and ice storm, which left us with about 8 inches of snow and a coating of ice on all the trees, day-time temperatures in the upper 20s F and a low Friday night of 1 F! Today the sun shone again from a clear blue sky and we reached 50! So we decided it was too nice an afternoon to stay inside and we went for a walk at the Nature Center (Rowe Woods). I really liked this shot as it seemed so unusual to see fallen leaves on top of snow and they make a nice contrast against the snow.
This evening we watched the Super Bowl. We're not great football fans, but we do usually watch this game.

I've back-blipped yesterday.

Hope you all had a good weekend.

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