All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Traprain Law

After a lazy morning pottering round the house, the afternoon ended up pretty busy! I headed into Edinburgh at lunchtime for a mini facial I had booked at the Origins Counter in John Lewis. Was pleasantly surprised when the beautician didn't give me any hard sell afterwards! I then wandered down to my sisters flat in Bonnington and took a few photos on the way.

After a quick lunch, we jumped into the car with our husbands and headed off down the A1 to East Lothian. We stopped off at Hailes Castle (see her journal here for pictures). It's my kind of castle - ruined, but enough still there that you can wander round for a while and get an idea what it must have been like. We then headed over to Traprain Law which was the real reason for going over there as we wanted to climb it. Our husbands gave up about 1/4 of the way up (at the point you can see in my picture) but us girls are made of sterner stuff and struggled all the way to the top! Talk about windy up there, but what amazing views! We did actually have an ulterior motive for wanting to go up there. I'm not going to say any more but anyone who knows the area might know what I'm talking about!

Then headed home via the chippy in Haddington for a poke of chips and a can of Irn Bru!

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