this luminous life.

By Laura

Death Of A Shade Of A Hue.

Of Montreal.

Not a bad day. Work was cancelled, which was nice so I could spend more time on my papers and studying and a presentation. Plus, Shaun stopped by for a bit after a trip to Columbus and we ate at Chipotle and Dairy Queen. He also happened to pull into the Best Buy parking lot and I spent almost $60 on movies. I'm such an impulse buyer when it comes to movies.... I managed to buy one of the eight "movies to die for" -- Unrest. These are movies deemed too controversial, too graphic by the mainstream studios, and were just released on DVD.

These are Shaun's sunglasses on the dashboard.
I haven't had very interesting blips lately, I know.
I apologize. It's finals week and things are hectic....
Oh, and some kids were whacking a pinata outside a church...

And... the Backstreet Boys are playing on my iTunes right now.
Not sure what to think about that.

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