A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

People Watching

This adorable child who dressed herself, most likely, is apparently waiting with her family across the street from where we had Mother's Day lunch with my daughter and son-in-law today. My daughter could see this little girl and was enthralled with her cuteness. She said, "Mom, you just have to look at this sweet little girl wearing angel wings and dressed in mismatched clothes." I asked her as I got up out of my seat to have a look, "Will you let your little girl dress herself like that and go out in public?" (My daughter is expecting her first child, so the question is valid.) She said something like, "Absolutely!" So I stood up with my camera, went outside of the restaurant onto the sidewalk, and sure enough, there was this adorable winged child walking around and around this planter while the adults she was with stood around looking very bored. Click, click, click, click and one more click for good luck. And good luck it was, because when I got home and uploaded the images, I could not believe what I saw. I had only been looking at the little girl and paid no attention to the man in the sports jacket who decided to join her.

Top to bottom: 1) Man looks around wondering how much longer the wait will be. 2) Man walks behind other bored man and climbs up onto brick planter. 3) Man grins and balances himself along brick planter to have some little boy fun.

Seriously, I did not know I captured this at all. I feel like a detective solving some mysterious crime by carefully reviewing the enlarged photographs. What luck. Sometimes it's really tough to choose an image to blip. Today I had to choose three.

Today I am thankful for the mothers in the world - those I know and even those I don't know. What joys motherhood brings! Oh and I'm thankful for the silliness I witnessed - that I didn't even know I witnessed until I got home.

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