Red, Green, and Blue

By GemmoMC

Light Painting Bordeaux

I tried to do some cleaning in preparation for my brother?s arrival tomorrow. I was also planning to go see a movie with Amy at Utopia; however, she was unable to get out of her tutoring job. Instead of going with her, I went by myself and saw Welcome. This film is a French movie, but the majority of the film was in English because one of the main characters was a Kurd, named Bilal, who could speak English and his native language.

Anyway, the plot is about Bilal trying to cross the English Channel so that he could be with the girl he loves. He takes swimming lessons and the swim coach becomes a ?father? to him. Long story short, Bilal learns how to swim crosses the channel, and then the movie ends with a tragic ending. I won?t spoil the ending, but let?s just say, for American audiences, the ending would have been changed because the Americans do love their happy endings.
Today was also Carissa?s birthday. Rachel had planned a surprise, night birthday picnic. I brought along Elita with me and we waited for everybody?.for quite a long time. Well, after what seemed to be hours of waiting, we met Rachel?s parents and as well as one of Rachel?s friends.

Since it was a picnic, I brought some baguettes, Orangina, cups, and a blanket to put on the ground. Rachel had also prepared some delicious vegetarian dishes. It was good times despite the bad weather; although, the thunder really made the night picnic great.

Later, we wrapped up the picnic and everybody left. Carissa suggested that we do the light painting project that I had proposed to her and Rachel a long time ago. This was one of the photos. We didn?t have much time to do since the trams were going to stop running soon. However, I?m glad that I got a half decent picture of ?Bordeaux? at night.

Carissa helped me do the light writing. She did B,O,R,D and I did E, A, U, X. Which letters do you think came out the best? :)

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