Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Rainy days

Headed down to Cumbria today to visit my family. The train ride was uneventful, I like it when it's like that. Helped mum at her shop for a while. Dad was going to a meeting in the evening so mum and I hatched plans to take my gran out to the pub for dinner. Unfortunately gran had better plans and went off to a church quiz instead.

With nothing to rush home for we took a leisurely trip up to Carlisle to deliver something and then on the way back we went blip spotting. We photographed cows, we turned back to snap the cutest little lambs you've ever seen, they looked like baby deer! All of this in the pouring rain. Eventually we got home and headed to the pub. Which was full and turning people away so it was off to town for a take away.

A very enjoyable, silly evening.

I took this photo in the driveway. I've always wondered how people managed to get photos of drops of water on leaves. What should I find but a grass stem laden with water. *click* and I had my blip.

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