
By wingpig

come and take a look yourself

If you live in Edinburgh, Glasgow or in fact anywhere within a day's reach of the Falls of Clyde then get yourself on or in a bicycle, bus, train or car to go and see them. I didn't even start trying to pick a favourite picture or I'd have been here all night. I'm going to be here for most of the night anyway as I'm staying here but need to sleep rather than just flick between nearly identical pictures of mossy trees against sparkly water trying to decide which to crop.

On most people's way to the falls is the New Lanark Historifical Restorated Progressive Mill Exhibit thingby which is probably almost worth its money despite its insistence on not having much standard museum-type arrangement in order to appeal to childs. There's an excruciating pretend time-travel ride thing a la Jorvik although with more video and mirrors but luckily the carriages only hold two people apiece so there is no risk of public embarassment. There was a plasma ball at the entrance too which is strange given that the previous exhibit was a steam engine but welcome as I haven't seen one for years. If they were to remove the hotel, Edinburgh Woollen Mill concession, gift shop, horrible piped music in the café and strange absence of working demonstrations of large and dangerous Industrial Revolution-era machines then it would be quite tempting. Nice ice-cream, though. An odd encounter between the Mill and Falls were the giant pipes of the extension to Bonnington Power Station. Halfway up them there's a little circular dink/scratch which has been circled in chalk. Could be a place to avoid if that section isn't replaced. Alternatively take some mountaineering gear and rope yourself to a tree just above it with a camera at the ready then chuck pointy rocks at the damaged section as hard as you can when someone hoves into view.

Finally got some reception so I've uploaded
Monday and
but will have to scarper shortly as its about to rain and this isn't my laptop.

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