occhi verdi

By occhiverdi

Crockett & Orleans

One of my favorite buildings downtown. Joey, who owns the coffee shop nearby, was interested in buying this forgotten gem to start a church. However, everyone who owns these older, dilapidated buildings prices them too high in spite of the renovation costs for which potential owners would be responsible.
Downtown could be revived more so than what silly Crockett Street allows. That block is so cheesy.
But if I were starting a business, it certainly wouldn't be here. I have a feeling that's why innovative businesses go elsewhere from Beaumont...

Today was satisfyingly dramatic; Lightning, thunder, and rain - oh my. Texas thunderstorms are so climactic.

Thanks for all the wonderful comments on my 300th yesterday. The Blip community is the best community out of all the communities. (Ha.)

64 more until that coveted golden camera! I can do it, I can do it..

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