Ring of Tyres

By Tyres


We have a definite contrast between the two types of tatties we are growing in the tyre stacks and gravel bags.

At the back are Swift and the ones on the foreground are Wilja. (Unless of course I've got the names the wrong way round)

The Swift (first early) are doing well lush and dark green, although with a touch of windburn from the only high wind we've had recently.

The Wilja (second early) on the other hand were doing fine until the wind got up. Now they look week, unhealthy, a bit jaundiced and the slugs are making an impact. Might be a coincidence and nothing to do with it but the difference became apparent in the few days after the high wind.

Meanwhile our main crop varieties are romping away in a raised bed. Very healthy and flowering.

Anyone got any suggestions as to what the problem may be? I'm pretty sure it's not blight as there's no blackening on the leaves.

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