The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Target Shooting Tonight.....

Not a lot went on today, we ran the new machine up today, worked well enough but it needs a little more work on timing of additional cement and water as well as some better guards on certain areas, after all we don't want to hurt any of our employees do we, even if they are not supposed to put their hands into moving parts.
We will run it tomorrow to iron out more bugs, I might even blip it tomorrow.

Tonight I have been to the shooting club but it was really hot and sweaty, so didn't do so well, tonight's blip is me in all my regalia, shooting jacket which has been let out twice due to me putting on weight, my rifle sling, which still fits, my shooting glasses, well mono specs, shooting mat, telescope, to see how I shot, bullet box to hold my ammo, my Glove to deaden the pulse and last but not least my Rifle, a .22" caliber Ansultz 1813 Super Match, a full picture can be seen here.

After all this I didn't shoot too good tonight, but I am averaging around 95/100 for the season, so not too bad for an old fellow.

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