
By bluesheep

100th: time flies when you're having fun

my trip home is well past the half way mark, and I'm wishing it was longer.

I'm already at 100?!?! and I still feel relatively new here. Thanks all for such a friendly (and welcoming) community. There's no other group I'd like to share my photos with more than all you!

I have so much sitting around and relaxing to do at home, so much catching up to do with friends, with this town (and even with myself). It seems like I have all this time in the world for something really special for 100, but for some reason it didn't mean all that much to me. I guess I've realized I don't do this for the number, I don't really care how many consecutive days I go without missing. I do this for myself, to stay in touch with an artistic medium I love, and form a creation I had forgotten and missed dearly.

All my other plans for this occasion were ruined by rain or just did not pan out at all how I expected. This shot just came out of nowhere and was somehow intriguing to me. I'm not sure if it means anything, I think I just liked the imagery.

EDIT: in response to thesixland (see comments),

I like your comment. That and the fact that this is 100 is making me want to share a bit more about my ideas on photography and my creative process. so here we go:

These spontaneous ones are usually the most fun and rewarding. I rarely do plan things out all that much. Usually I just discover something in the moment that catches my eye and I have mental image of how I want to process it to convey what it is that interests me about the shot. I usually find myself removing something from its surroundings to highlight it in a different context, or to emphasize a relationship between two or more elements in the shot. In that way, photography to me is more the art of isolation; it's often all about what's not in the shot, as opposed to what's there. That's why framing and composition are very important to me, and I am beginning to love what can be done with the square frame that works so well on blip. I communicate best on a visual and physical level, and so photography is much more about aesthetics to me than it is about subject or obvious meaning. the meaning is usually implied, and conveyed purely through visual form, through light and dark, through the emotion and mood that strong imagery can easily create out of nothing. That is creativity. I often enjoy abstraction for this reason, and have problem with a good dose of photoshopping to produce the effect that I envision when shooting.

That's all for now. I'll share more when future shots inspire me to do so.

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