Scenes from my desk

By alaistairsdesk

My Desk the subject of "Scenes from my desk", I thought I'd better post said desk. So an early one today!

My desk policy is - "A clean desk is the sign of a sick mind" you may see, but it has all the essentials for work life.

Headphones are very useful (you can never have enough) and I'll just wear them and suddenly folk stop interrupting you. A bit of a visual hint...I'm concentrating on something, so GO AWAY (did I mention my grumpiness).

Usual Monday with lots of morning management meetings. Quieter time to review some marketing material for a forthcoming exhibition...and read some new partnership agreements from my lawyer for setting up a Chinese representative. Riviting stuff...why did I bother studying at uni...

There may be a competition coming up with odd angle shots of items on my desk...and first comment identifying the location on my desk (from this post) will win one piece of tablet.

Let the competition begin.

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