A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts


My biggest fear has come to fruition. My house is crumbling. I knew it! I knew if we neglected it long enough (we've only lived here for not quite three years) it would begin to crumble around us. Today, the first of many, I'm sure, large beams collapsed. Luckily it was only decorative and not structural. I was in my bedroom closet (a respectable distance from where said beam fell) and heard a loud kabammmm! I imagined that UPS had tossed a huge package of heavy soap-making supplies against the house on the front porch. It's funny what you can imagine when you hear an unfamiliar sound. I actually looked for this imaginary package, but there was nothing. Until I saw this 15 foot beam leaning delicately against the window - a very strong piece of glass, I might add. It had broken off on one end and hit the window on its way down. In fact, here is a shot of how it looked before - it's the middle one. .

I'm just glad it's my house that's crumbling and not me.

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