My Angle

By myangle

Manly Morning

I wanted to follow on from yesterdays topic. Chaos gave me an tip about using angles to give impact. I did take a really nice photo of this cruise ferry, but while I was doing that, a fishing boat came in from the bay and with the dappled sun on the water I thought this would be better for the blip today. I like the curves. The frustrating thing is that my web browser lends more contrast to the image than there really is which I think spoils it a little. Having said that, I am really happy with my image for the day. I might stick with boats for the rest of the week. They are not in short supply around here.
I did quite a bit of fiddling with this in PS to get the right Black and White effect. I ended up extracting a channel and adding a bit if contrast. This is probably one of my favourite blips so far.
1/200th sec, f16, 100ISO, 28-105mm lens @ 55mm, Canon 350D

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