
By bluesheep

simple things

A quick shot as I was late for a movie tonight. I thought this was too simple at first. wasn't sure about it, wasn't sure I liked it. But the more I look, the more I love it for its simplicity. I love the contrast of the bright, linear lamp posts with the subtlety of the background. each look and I'm really lovin' it more and more.

But more importantly: I saw a great little film called Once. It could be called a musical, but it's not one where people randomly break out into song and dance. it's not that at all. It's a film that is a lot about music, a great story that's told often through music simply because the characters play a lot of music in the film. I've never quite seen the melding of film and music like this, and I loved the way it was done. It was nearly perfect in its casually (yet precisely) crafted charm, but what got me most was the music itself. it was phenomenal. Both the leads are very talented musicians (in real life) and acted brilliantly as well. Any of you who know The Frames may recognize their front man, Glen Hansard, as the lead role. The music was very Frames-like, but a bit more intimate. It may be the only rock-music musical I've ever seen work. (I'm sure there were terrible ones made in the 80's). All in all and fantastic Irish indie film. It's very charming, touching, funny, and just ever so enjoyable satisfying. Go see it it if you have the chance.

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