
By LadyFindhorn


Some days like yesterday, despite a large amount of possible blips, I can't find find one that really grabs me, while other days like today a blip more or less falls into my lap unbidden. Thus it was this morning when I popped into Bernie the Barber's shop to tell him that I had blipped his window display, that I saw today's blip. Job done at 8.30 am and therefore no excuse not to clean the castle - staff as I've said earlier are hard to get.

The title for this blip comes from a sign in Parliamo Glasgow which adorns Bernie the Barber's wall. Roughly translated into English it says "Your bottom is out of the window". While I may know the meaning of this phrase, I would be delighted if one of our west of Scotland blippers could furnish me with the true meaning.

PS I even managed to get my camera into the frame

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