Picture Consequences

By consequences

And so it begins

Ah...that time of year again already? Hard to believe it's come around so soon, but this morning, I definitely felt it.

The Festive Spirit, I suppose you could call it. Ho ho. Sorry, sorry; just my little joke. Please forgive an old man his silly indulgences.

Hmm, I see from your face that you're not quite with me.

Apologies again, I seem to be getting a little ahead of myself. At my age, you know, you tend to forget ... or perhaps remember too much. It's hard to say, to be honest.

Where was I? Ah yes, the Festive Spirit. The reason I was chuckling to myself is, well...

Let me start again.

Tell me, do people still read much these days? Ah, they do, that's good. And tell me, do people still read Mr Dickens at all?

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