Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

...over the sea to Skye.

My dog depends on me.

I depend on my dog.

There. I said it. Cat lovers don't understand this, and neither does anyone who isn't into animals.

Dimairt and I went out for our 'usual' walk today; except, that for some time now, this has not been so usual. "The walk" consists of going down the road, then alongside the Melvaig river, round by the slipway on the shore, and back home. About a mile.

We used to do this walk every day, twice a day.

Then, I knackered my knees. Then, the dog had a hip op. (should that be hip hop??). Perfect excuse not to do the walk anymore. Shorter walks along the beach in Gairloch. Longer walks with fitter friends. These replaced the regular walks.

Today, I finally felt over the flu. The day was beautiful. We went for the 'usual' walk, and it was as if nothing had changed. Dimairt still knew where all the best sticks were to be found. I still threw them in the usual places, and he still brought them back to my feet. And so, the cycle went on.

On the way home, the hills did not bother the knees. There is no excuse for not doing this walk any more.

So, Dimairt can safely depend on me from now on to exercise him twice a day on our walk. I may even get back into longer hillwalks.

And I can depend on him to get me moving again!

Of course, all this means that I will be taking more outdoor shots. I had planned on blipping something inside today, but the day was so glorious, that I am afraid the outdoor won again!

By the way, this shot is at the slipway in Melvaig, looking out over the Minch to Skye. The slipway was originally blown up by locals during WW2 to prevent Germans from landing. It was then replaced by the army, as thanks for our understanding of all the inconveniences caused by military exercuses in the area; I'm afraid it is falling apart after only a few years. The power of the sea versus the army!!

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