Book Ending Event...

I finished a book today. Finishing a book is usually a personal milestone for me. This is partly because I am such a horrendously slow reader and also because I seem to find all manner of otherly things to fill in my very limited free time. Writing this and the whole photography/Blip process is just one example.

I think I've only ever finished one moderately sized book in my own leisure and what I would consider a rapid pace. I say 'in my own leisure' as I did manage to read a few for a book club on an occasion but that was kind of an imposed time limit to get it read for the next meet. The book was by Carlos Castaneda, something about Learning to Fly or something. It was read fast because it was really good and I was in India at the time, didn't have any sunscreen and was confined to shade because of my skin.

The book, you were wondering? It was an Star Wars Extended Universe book centred around events and characters surrounding the building of the first Death Star in Star Wars IV : A New Hope. Aptly titled 'Death Star'. If you're not aware of them, the extended universe books tell stories from the galaxy far, far away that weren't put in the films. Sometimes it's new characters, sometimes it's extended history and stories of existing characters. I can highly recommend the Han Solo trilogy which deals with Han Solo's life before the Star Wars films.

Yes, in case you hadn't noticed I am a bit of (and proudly so) a Star Wars geek. Go on test me. I may be a bit rusty but there still is a lot of useless fact up there rattling about.

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