montrose basin

this is where it all went a bit wrong on the blip front... away in aberdeenshire with the parents for a week, i did the usual snappage, and uploaded most nights onto the laptop, but never quite got caught up with uploading to blip when i got back. and then the next fortnight was the fortnight from hell at work and i barely snapped and was too fried to upload... and then all of a sudden it was ages since i was online. and so tho this is posted from mid-sept, i'm posting in mid-dec, which is weird. tho it means you just get a brief note of the hols, rather than essays!


so we set off on sunday morning for westhill. it all went really well til we got over the tay bridge and had to circle dundee twice to find the diversion, with blood pressure rising all the time... i've never liked dundee, sorry! but we made it up the coast, and stopped off at the montrose basin bird hide for a watch at the birdies and a very british (indoors in the cold) picnic. i don't have the lens to catch anything in detail from here, tho the binoculars revealed plenty of variety, but there were skeins of geese going over all the time we were driving up the coast, so i thought one of those would do nicely.

we stopped at dunnottar castle briefly - i've been (on a student field trip, with a hangover) but my parents hadn't. i did warn them about the access, but my mother was determined. til we got to the edge of the cliff and she saw the footpath... we hung around, admired it and then got back in the car and headed north!

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