
By Anonymoose

Comedy gold, Louie, Comedy gold

One of Louie's favourite games is to steal things and then use them to barter for food. Usually the odd shoe, sock, that sort of thing. Today - this roll of selotape, plucked from Mandy as she wrapped birthday presents.

Normally it's cute but not especially on this occasion...

Earlier in the day, Louie's food obsession reached an all time low. (For him definitely, and for dogs in general maybe as well.)


Squeamish people - don't read on...


-Walking down some steps from the Bathgate war memorial (which is up the back of our house). Lo and behold some feckin' ned had decided to have a poo there (?!? I ask you?). ...Louie sees it - and, erm, Anyway - I don't need need to go into too much detail other than it was a real Gillian Mckeith special and he spent the afternoon in the back garden thinking about what he'd done...

I'm not sure how Mandy got on with her wrapping though...

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