An Apple a Day...

By anappleaday

A Day in the Life

I blipped every single thing I did today.

07:09 Wake up, it's too early, go back to sleep.
10:04 Wake up, blip the clock.
10:07 Walk to the bathroom and take my picture in the mirror.
10:08 Commute to the office, hubby already at work.
10:12 Help him video edit since he's up against a deadline
10:19 Read my favorite wordy-type-blog, actually the only one I read.
10:42 Read my three favorite cartoons, in order, cartoon #1
10:43 Cartoon #2
10:43 Cartoon #3
10:54 Check in with my assistant, Mushroom (our office cat), asleep on the job

11:18 First look at Blipfoto for the day
11:33 Hubby makes and delivers me coffee. Awww.
11:43 I begin working - photoshop!
11:45 Bowl of cereal for breakfast at my desk
12:11 More time video editing with the hubby.
1:02 Back to photoshopping, I swear it looks like this sometimes.
1:30 My assistant goes out to greet the FedEx Man
1:31 Bathroom break - blip the mirror
1:35 Clean the cat litter box, blip that
1:37 Wash my hands - learn a new way to blip one handed

1:41 Put some dishes in the dishwasher
1:43 Clean the stove
1:44 Put on the minimum clothes required to take out the garbage
1:45 Dressed in jeans and green t-shirt
1:46 Tell my office mate I am going to go take out the garbage.
1:46 Blip the neighbor's bamboo plants
1:47 Blip the garbage and recycling
1:49 Take out the garbage and recycling
1:49 Quick check with my assistant before I head out.
1:50 Blip the stepping stones outside my house.

1:51 Blip the recycling bin
1:52 Blip the mailman who wears a tropical safari hat
1:54 Pull the dead leaves out of my plant, then blip them.
2:00 Check the mail.
2:02 Put some more dishes in the dishwasher
2:03 Open the fridge to look for lunch
2:04 Wash my hands but get the hubby to blip them this time.
2:06 Wash some strawberries!
2:07 Pour sugar all over them in a yellow bowl
2:11 Cut a lemon

2:13 Blip hubby's disgusting lunch of frank and beans
2:16 Make a PBJ on the special bread I drive across town for.
2:17 Sit down to watch a little TV while I eat
2:18 First bite, in reverse order, so the best part of the crust is saved for last.
2:24 Blip the cat at the window
2:42 Check in with Blip to see if anything?s changed since 11:18 AM
2:44 More video editing - it's less and less fun, since it's not even my own work.
2:54 Take an amusing blip of Mush video editing. He hated this and let us know.
2:55 Finally, back to my own work. I've missed you photoshop!
3:33 Take a break to do some light dusting in the living room.

3:35 Clean my screen so I can tell what spots can be cloned away
4:04 Check email
4:10 Map out my run from last night to see how far it was. Disappointed.
4:35 Blipped something that now I have no idea what it was.
4:37 Blipped the sun hitting the glass bottles waiting to be recycled.
4:40 Did some more dishes
4:41 Watered my plant that I had removed the dead leaves from.
4:43 Blipped the neighbor's bamboo from a different angle.
4:45 Try to open what I think is a package from my mother
4:47 Blip the back of the package after two frustrating minutes of senility when I realize it's not a package from my mother but an old envelope that's been laying around the house since May.

4:49 Back to video editing
5:54 Need a snack!
5:57 Need some water!
6:54 Start cooking dinner with a new recipe to try for mashed acorn squash.
6:59 Tidy up the kitchen while the squash cooks
7:03 Blip my table shining in the late afternoon sun
7:07 Wash the big kitchen knife that I used to cut the squash
7:12 Oil the pan in a pleasing swirl so that it will look pretty when I blip it.
7:45 Pull the blinds shut to protect my new couch
7:48 Blip a paper bag with the sun on it.

7:49 Blip my plant that looks like peas but is called "String of Pearls"
7:50 Call for reinforcements when my squash fails miserably.
7:52 Pour myself a glass of wine
8:07 Sit to watch a little more TV while I eat dinner that the hubby cooked
8:59 Start the dishwasher with one of these futuristic looking soap-pods
9:04 Bathroom break, another silly self portrait.
9:07 Out on a walk to do some blipping! Wires near my house.
9:08 Walking up the street
9:09 Blip some concrete for it's cool texture
9:09 Visit a little stone that I placed in this spot last night. I like to do this and occasionally go check to see if they are still there. When they aren't, I wonder what happened to them.

9:10 Blip a shingled wall
9:11 Blip some chipping white paint
9:12 Blip a door that kind of seemed to be smiling at me.
9:13 Blip a weather vane but hope to find on a night with a perfect sky behind it.
9:14 Blip a wall of nails.
9:17 I don't know why I blipped this. It's ugly.
9:18 Blip a pretty group of pink and purple flowers
9:19 Blip a staircase being overgrown by a bush.
9:20 Blip some grasses
9:20 More grasses

9:24 "I will be able to use it for a blip I am planning for next week", then "Duh"
9:25 A lasso!
9:26 A wire gate
9:33 Blip the smallest, loneliest cloud I've ever seen
9:36 Back home, blip the cat stretching
9:37 Back to the office
9:51 Ew. Actions. In photoshop.
10:02 Second glass of wine.
10:09 Make the hubby pretend to be sad about his last two hours before he officially becomes "old" (it's only funny because it's not true, until 8 months from now when I will turn "old" too - we will see how funny it is then)
~Spent nearly the next two hours video editing some more.
11:51 Created the PSD file to put these blips into (not pictured)
11:56 And finally, I blipped posting to blip.

I blipped every thing I did today.

I shot 339 photos today and chose 100 to show and tell you about here. I feel like almost half of these could have stood on their own as the blip of the day - that's pretty darn cool. It would have been really difficult to choose just one though!

It was a pretty interesting exercise to blip, every thing that you do all day. I recommend it as something to try once!
I had to think and move fast, constantly changing the camera settings to get the shot I wanted while still accomplishing my daily tasks, working my job, and helping my hubby do his today as well (which is a rare thing). I learned several different unorthodox ways to shoot one handed, both right and left, and still manage to focus most of the shots. When I have some time, and if any one is interested, I may post some of these to flicker so you can get a better look.

If you had to choose just one, I'd love to hear any thoughts on which one it would be.

If you scrolled down this far, WHY!?!?! Crazy!!!

For anyone interested, here are the bigger pictures on my flickr account in slideshows:

I absolutely have to see all 100 photos, even the crappy ones, even the screen shots of video editing!

I'd like to see most of them, it's ok if some suck, but skip any pictures of the computer please!

Oh, get over yourself, just show my half of them but they better all be Blip-worthy!

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