The Laws

By thelaws

A letter

I was all set to blip our snow bare garden, having seemingly missed all the snowfall that has been happening around the UK today. Not that I'm too upset - Mr Law is currently 40 miles away from home and I'd quite like him to be able to get back tonight.

However as I stepped onto the stairs that lead to our attic bedroom I found a piece of paper folded neatly onto the second step. Our boy struggles with his words and writing. The school have done a screening test for dyslexia and he comes out at 2.4 - evidently anything over a 1 is a risk of dyslexia. So a letter, written without prompting is a serious bit of business.

With a little help from Joe, his letter reads:
To Mummy I love you and I got a CD
I am singing it to you I miss you at school
I will use my CD and play 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20
I love I love I love I love I love
I am sorry about this morning
I love I love you

and then he's drawn me a picture of many hearts and our house.

This is one to keep. x

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