a pinhole sky explodes out

By blazar


You may be wondering, "Why would anyone collect turtles?"

I don't have a very good answer for you.

Actually, it's kind of a story.. so maybe it's not that bad

It all started when my family went to Jamaica about 10 years ago (has it really been that long??), and after climbing up a waterfall, I decided I wanted something neat to take home with me so I'd remember the trip (other than the bottles of ting, which we drank in gross quantities while there). I walked by all the little brickabrack stands by the parking lot until I saw this turtle (the wooden one in the middle, around whom everyone is crowding). He looked really lonely, so I decided I'd adopt him.

For a while after that, I bought turtles as souvenirs whenever I saw them, if they were relatively cheap.

ehhhh maybe I was wrong. that's kind of a lame story..

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