Different View

By kfoenss

Money doesn't grow on the trees!

I'm up at 5 AM tomorrow, so I need to sleep.

There is a reason for this blip. Please check in tomorrow evening, if you want the explaination.

Okay, here we go.

I am really confused at the moment. I've been in line for a redundancy at work, and have believe it or not,been really excited about it. I was all planned in my head. I would take the money and go travelling for 3 months. I could not wait.
Then all of a sudden my general manager starts talking about promoting me. And I'm not talking with some little shitty payrise. It could be serious money for me.
It has completely thrown me, and I don't know what to do.

Do I ask my manager about the details for the promotion?
Or do I take the redundancy and go travelling, as I had originally planned?

Do I choose to follow a dream of going away for a while??
Or do I get serious, take on the responsibility and stay??

Reason for this blip?
Money doesn't grow on the trees. You have to work to earn it. In my case I have to now choose between spending my money, or earning more of it.

I really don't know what I'll do.

PS. If I had money enough, I would have left the money hanging there, just to watch peoples faces when they found it.

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