beauty of the nature

By Hadi

Damn it's snowing!

today when i was at my grandpa's it started snowing. after a long time it was really snowing! so i decided to celebrate it with some portraits of my grandpa. i asked him and he gently accepted. it was cold outside.
we took some portraits, and this was the last one and it was his idea to pose like this!

he's 80 years old, worked whole his life in his farm until five years ago. if i wanna describe him in few words: cool, caring, strong!

you know if i work in farm for a day in need to rest a week. but he's worked there whole his life, day to night and sometimes even he was have to sleep there. but i never seen him to say i'm tired, to complain. i never seen him regret about losing money! he's satisfied with what he has!

well, i should n't compliment much about him. but if you meet him once you'll know what a golden heart he has!

and what i loved about this portraits was that i could make him happy with it, and that's enough for me! gonna print this for him!


i took some photos outside also when snow was extreme but i prefered this one!

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