beauty of the nature

By Hadi

black crow!

Did anyone say black crows are n't enough detailed?

i don't reguarly blip about a similar object two days in a row but as i'd promised yesterday if today i could take better bird photos i will post, so here it is!

There are always many crows outside my house early mornings!

i tried several shots with manual and autofocus + AI servo.
i took this photo with manual focus. it's easier to photograph birds with with autofocus but i've got used to manual focus. maybe bird photography would be a exception!

as i said this came better than other photos and if i be honest it came higher than my own expections from my lens! when i viewed it on my laptop i kissed my Tamron! it's half price canon lens but it never disappoints me and even sometimes surprises me. even at the first days that i'd bought my camera and i could n't take good photos i felt regret buying Tamron lens and i thought it's guilty. but i was the one who was guilty and i'm happy i took this lens. I could n't afford canon 18-200 and canon 18-55 was n't my type. i'm a zoom lens lover!

It didn't need much post processing also, just crop and adjusting contrast!

yesterday's crow is a bit different from this one, they have black wings and gray body and they are bigger than these!

You know crows are somehow different from other birds. They're smart, love to steal your stuff and always ready to revenge! Years ago when we were still in our old house some of the kids had killed a crow and its parents were attacking people for a week. They injured some of neighbours!

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