New Board Old dude

By BOBTaskforcepro


Old mum dude and her wee pal like to go on little daytrips here and there and usually do lunch and nip into the shops. The both of them are also bargain hunters and like a bit of charity shop rummaging. A couple of weeks ago OMD found a JRR Tolkien book, (The Hobbit) my mum not being an expert, but new that I used to read them years ago and decided to go for the purchase, as she thought that I might still be interested. I said to her that I was quite chuffed despite the fact I already had a copy, but it was a nice thought nonetheless. So since then she has been on a bit of a Tolkien trail the last couple of weeks and came up with this little pile (see photo), from her charity shopping. The 4 book box set came in at a pound and the books have never even been opened. Now that is proper bargain hunting!
This flurry of activity is not a new phenomenon with OMD as once she finds something somebody likes she will endeavour to get as much of it as possible for someone. It kinda reminds me of the time, when I think I was about 15 16 maybe, and I said to her after dinner, I really enjoyed those mini pizzas she had made. So for about the next month (possibly longer) my dinner time diet consisted almost exclusively of mini pizzas. It took me a while before I could face pizza again after that.


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