Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium


Birds again, this is becoming a bit of a habit! My zoologist friend will be very proud when she hears I'm turning into a bit of a twitcher :)

I didn't plan to blip a bird today, so I took my new (well, second hand but new to me) 24-60mm walkabout lens to the park this morning. I got a few nice photos but as I was walking towards work I spotted this little guy hopping up a tree. I read about treecreepers last week when I was trying to identify another bird but I had never seen one before. They are amazing little things, they start at the bottom of a tree and make their way up it by spiralling around the trunk, before flying to the bottom of the next tree and starting again. I take it they're looking for little insects hidden in the bark, their beaks look well suited for that.

I was a bit gutted I didn't have my telephoto lens with me, but I was able to get quite close without bothering him too much. Unfortunately the snap I got of him hanging upside down under a branch was a bit out of focus, so I'll post this one instead. Hopefully I'll catch him again sometime when I'm better equipped :)

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