A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Tales from a sweatshop

Nine solid-ish hours of labour produced one chess duvet set (pictured), one summer dress (awaiting jury verdict on acceptability), one dragon costume (previewing exclusively here on Friday). In common with my fellow sweatshopees there has been little financial reward for my efforts. Possibly I could even envy some of them their thr'pence. Though more likely I think they might envy me a never ending supply of drama and entertainment courtesy of Radios 4 and 7 and the marvellous Listen Again service, endless cups of tea, lunch from M&S and the thought that I won't be doing it again tomorrow. If ever.

Tomorrow I hope I will reflect back and be pleased with my efforts. I sort of am now. But mainly I'm a bit too headachey and tired at the moment. And a little disappointed with the dress. It will be okay as a summer dress but I did have higher hopes. Foolish really given it's the first thing I've made in er, around 25 years and the last thing was a stuffed seal. Actually, thinking about it, it's the first dress I've ever made. Okay, I've talked myself around and now I feel quite chuffed with it. Now I just have to persuade my contrary daughter (I wanted you to make the blue one first) to like it and all will be happy. The efforts on behalf of J were very well received so he is golden boy today. (Not really, of course. He should be but A is so charming and entertaining it's hard to ever be properly annoyed with her. Oh, and she is 4).

Enough rambling nonsense from me. Will save some for book club - will need it to cover for not having read the book. I tried, but we didn't get on.

Lesley x

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