
By Grandmama

Our wonderful policemen

I went out for lunch in Liverpool today. Left home at 10.30 and met up with friends half way there, in the car park of the Little Chef. I've just arrived home at 19.30! They dropped me back at the car park about 16.30 and then the drama started! When I started the car up it made a strange noise but no warning lights came on so I continued on my way. Just as I joined the Motorway to come home the noise went worse and the every warning light imaginable came on and the car froze! I froze too! Then I had to calm down and rationally plan some action. I was in the worst possible position to stop but couldn't do anything about it.
Fortunately had the Breakdown company's 'phone number and rang them. ( Thank goodness for mobile 'phones!) I was sitting, holding my breath that no other vehicle would hit me, when a police car pulled up behind me. From then on the traffic cop took control. He was wonderful. He pushed the car back to a safer place, talked to the Breakdown people to explain the exact location where we were, brought all the things I wanted from my car as all this time I was sitting in his police car and then, when the breakdown wagon arrived he helped to load the car onto that.
I was many miles from home and had to 'phone my son-in-law to come and get me but the policeman even offered to take me to a nearby McDonalds, where I could sit inside and wait. Unfortunately J was stuck in traffic on his way out to get me and a journey which would normally take about 40 minutes turned into more than an hour!!
Anyway, I'm now safely back home and my poor little car is in a Police Compound until tomorrow when, hopefully, the Insurance Company will pick it up and bring it to a Garage near home.
A nightmare day. I knew I shouldn't have gone!! But, thank you so much Mr Traffic Cop. You were a credit to the Force.

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