
By shy

Mock Georgian Clock Tower

Somewhere on the journey between work and home stands a supermarket which stays open 24hours every day during the week. This is a lifeline for me since I tend to leave work late having blipped until I drop.

If you turn up there after 10 in the evening you can nearly always pick up a bargain - especially the bakery section. Bread at 10p, cheap cake, buns... I need never be without food, batteries, hairgrips or bin bags.
It has several cash machines - all free, and so far, never runs out of cash.

If this place wasn't there, I'd probably starve.

So, is it my favourite place to buy stuff? It has friendly people, nice (rubbish actually) architecture, no queues, ample parking...

No it isn't.

They don't sell cameras.

So, yet again, no assignment blip.


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